Howard Selby Auto Services Heugh Road, North Berwick, EH39 5PS 01620 893906
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Michelin City Grip Tyres Available in North Berwick

Michelin City Grip

City Grip

MICHELIN Progressive Sipe Technology (PST) helps prevent sliding on wet roads and on hazards such as manhole covers. 

An extensive range that covers the majority of the market's 125cc and bigger engined scooters, including big-wheeled models. 

Chosen by the world's most prestigious scooter manufacturers (More than 69 OE fitments). 

Compatible Motorcycles

  • HYOSUNG GPS 125 Grand Prix 1998 2004
  • KYMCO Cobra 100 Racer 2000 2001
  • PEUGEOT Trekker 100 1997 1999