Howard Selby Auto Services Heugh Road, North Berwick, EH39 5PS 01620 893906
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Continental Conti Trail Attack 3 Tyres Available in North Berwick

Continental Conti Trail Attack 3

Conti Trail Attack 3

  • 100% TRUST: Shortest warm-up time – reaches its optimal temperature range within the first mile*
  • BENCHMARK IN WEAR: Even after 2,000 miles, the ContiTrailAttack 3 still has more tread depth than a new benchmark tire and gives you better handling abilities**
  • PERFORMANCE OVER LIFETIME: It is built to ensure highest constant level of performance even after thousands of miles
  • WET GRIP: Best wet grip achieved by compound & pattern design
  • AGILITY: Most agile All-rounder for easy, accurate and predictable handling
  • COMFORT & STABILITY: high level of comfort, absorption and stability even on challenging road conditions